The Nordic girl chess championship finished today in Reykjavík, Iceland. There was a lot of excitement in the final round! WFM Guðlaug Þorsteinsdóttir, the first Icelandic- and Nordic chess champion presented the prizes.
Class A
With a draw on board one Margarita clinched the title with a win in her game. Margarita is the Nordic champion! Nienke got the silver and Iðunn bronze.
Class B
Anna Sofie won her final game and ends the tournament with 5 out of 5! Leia got the silver and Alice bronze.
Class C
A draw in the final round secured the gold for Sol who played a really good tournament. Alina got silver and Githiha bronze.
The Icelandic chess federations wants to thank you all for a pleasant tournament and we hope you had a nice stay in Iceland. Best of luck in future chess adventures!